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Serial number
  • 1 WIS-Q800P/WIS-D525AC/WIS-S800AC/WIS-S516AC/WIS-D523AC 2023.06.09 v1.0.15.release
    Filename: wis_bridge_v1.0.15.release.q956x.bin
    Size: mb
    Edition: v1.0.15.release
    Product: WIS-Q800P/WIS-D525AC/WIS-S800AC(v3)/WIS-S516AC(v3)/WIS-D523AC(v3)

    WIS_Bridge_v1.0.15 Changelog:

    1. Add Settings wizard

    2. Add the ping watchdog function

    3. Change the scan signal strength from percentage to actual signal.

    4. Optimize the interface display style

    5. Fix some known issues

  • 2 WIS-Q450/WIS-D523/WIS-Q2300A 2023.06.05 v1.0.17.release.
    Filename: wis_bridge_v1.0.17.release.q953x.bin
    Size: mb
    Edition: v1.0.17.release.
    Product: WIS-Q450/WIS-D523/WIS-Q2300A

    v1.0.17.release_ChangeLog: (wis_bridge_v1.0.17.release.q953x.bin)

    Supprt Model:WIS-Q450,WIS-D523,WIS-Q2300A

    1. Optimize the display style of the webgui.

    2. Fixed the bug that failed to open the wireless configuration page.

    3. Optimize and compatible the management of V3.0 cloud server.

    4. Added some special characters supported by SSID and password.

    5. Fixed bug when device setup to DHCP client sometimes fails to obtain an IP address form server

     (only when the device IP and the DHCP server are on the same network segment).